6 Month Smiles Cosmetic Braces System Review


As a cosmetic dentist, we can straighten your teeth and improve your smile. There are many ways to do so, including the use of cosmetic treatments like veneers. However, if your teeth are crooked, you will most likely need an orthodontic solution. We offer 6 Month Smiles as a way to transform your smile using a discreet treatment solution. If you live in Palm Desert, CA or the 92260 area, call (760) 394-3088 to schedule an examination to find out if you qualify.

6 Month Smiles Cosmetic Braces System Review


6 Month Smiles are made using Lucid-Lok® clear brackets and tooth-colored wire. They are clear and difficult to notice when you smile. While people will be able to see them, they will need to look very closely in order to do so.

The Process:

Six Month Smiles straightens your teeth by applying pressure, just like traditional braces would. Each time the wires are adjusted or tightened, the teeth will move that much closer to being straight. In this way, the process is very similar to what you would go through with metal braces. However, we use Six Month Smiles Patient Tray Kits™ that make the adjustments more comfortable. At Total Care Implant Dentistry, we have found that our patients do not experience much if any, discomfort during the treatment process. This is mostly due to the technology that allows only light pressure to create significant movements.

Time Frame:

Traditional braces take an average of two years to work. That is a long time to undergo an orthodontic treatment. As a cosmetic dentist, our solution works in six months on average. This means you can start your treatment today and complete it in less time that it takes to finish a school year or even to have a baby! For busy adults, the Six Month Smiles program is an excellent alternative to traditional braces.

The Cost:

The majority of our Palm Desert, CA patients find this solution to be incredibly affordable. As a cosmetic dentist, we are able to straighten teeth in less time than if traditional braces were used. This means fewer trips to our 92260 dental office. This cost savings is passed on to you, making this treatment less expensive than other braces.

6 Month Smiles Cosmetic Braces System Review: It’s Not for Everyone

At Total Care Implant Dentistry, we have experienced great success using Six Month Smiles. Our Palm Desert patients appreciate how fast, convenient, and comfortable the treatment is, but more importantly, they love the smile they see when looking in the mirror. As a cosmetic dentist, we are confident this solution will work for most of our patients. However, Six Month Smiles is designed for people over 16, so children still need traditional braces. Additionally, this treatment plan works for people with crooked teeth or aesthetic issues. If your bite is severely misaligned, this is probably not your best option.

To find out if you are a candidate for this innovative, high-tech, and convenient solution, call (760) 394-3088. We are confident that you will love your smile after straightening your teeth with Six Month Smiles.

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