The Benefits of a Smile Makeover

If you are disappointed in the look of your teeth or gums, it is time to redo your smile.  You should not have to be self-conscious about the appearance of your teeth or gums.  Whether you are shy about your stained, discolored, crooked, spaced or chipped teeth, it is possible to redo your smile with a smile makeover.

Here is a look at how a dentist can give you the smile of your dreams.

Redo Your Smile With Teeth Whitening

It does not matter if you floss and brush several times per day.  Your teeth will end up stained or discolored in due time.  Your dentist can whiten your teeth to eliminate those stains and discoloration.  This is the perfect way to brighten up your smile and enhance your confidence.

Furthermore, we can also beautify your smile by replacing those silver fillings with the composite variety that is the perfect shade of white for your unique mouth.

Correct Spacing and Overcrowding Issues

Certain teeth in your mouth might appear too large or small.  Porcelain veneers will improve their contour.  Invisalign® and braces can also be used to correct alignment issues.  Invisalign® is particularly popular as it matches the color of your surrounding teeth, providing visually appealing uniformity and symmetry.  It takes Invisalign® a year or less to straighten out crooked chompers and provide even spacing.

Redo Your Smile With Dental Implants

Missing teeth create gaps that are quite the eyesore.  Dental implants or porcelain bridges can be used to fill these gaps.  Furthermore, dental implants can enhance eating, speech and cleaning.  Dental implants look just like regular chompers.

You will look forward to the opportunity to bare your teeth in public, be it for eating, talking, laughing or anything else.  No one will know you have one or several dental implants in your mouth unless they are right up close to your teeth.

The Benefits of Redoing Your Smile

If you are questioning whether the smile makeover procedures and treatments outlined above are worth the money and time, consider the results for others who have had their smile redone.  A smile makeover really does have the potential to transform your life.

You will have the confidence you need to be yourself in social settings, speak at will, laugh out loud, enjoy every type of food in the company of others and so much more. If you are looking for a significant other or a new job, your new smile will certainly help.  Even those who are looking for a promotion at work or to spark their relationship will find a smile makeover makes life that much easier.

The bottom line is a bright, white and symmetrical smile makes people comfortable and more trusting.  You will notice an immediate difference in terms of how others treat you and how you feel about your appearance once our dentist transforms your smile weaknesses into strengths.

For more information or to schedule an appointment with us, call (760) 394-3088. Our dental office is located in Palm Desert. Call Total Care Implant Dentistry today.

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