Foods to Eat After Getting All-on-4®

All-on-4 Palm Desert, CA

All-on-4 implant restoration is a solution available for patients who have lost most or all of the teeth on their upper or lower jaw. Four implants are placed inside the jawbone to support a denture and restore the patient’s smile. For successful recovery, the dentist will provide instructions regarding oral hygiene practices, resting and dietary restrictions.

Diet options after All-on-4 procedure

Diet restrictions for All-on-4® can be grouped into two periods: one to two weeks after surgery and two weeks to three months after surgery. Knowing the proper food to eat will help to minimize pain and swelling, ensure proper and quick recovery and offer the full benefits of the All-on-4 implants. Patients who are already on strict dietary regulations due to a medical condition (like diabetes) should consult their doctor for advice.

One to two weeks after surgery – liquid diet

For a few days to two weeks after surgery, the patient’s jaw, mouth and throat will feel slightly sore, but any pain or swelling will diminish gradually. Therefore, eating regular foods can be painful or difficult. It is advisable to stick to a liquid, non-chewy diet at this point. Patients should avoid hot liquids in the first 48 hours until the numbness from the local anesthetic wears off and bleeding stops. Hot foods can cause damage to the soft tissue of the oral cavity and should only be consumed three or four days after surgery.

Hydration is necessary. Patients must drink lots of fluids but in small quantities during the day. Clear fluids can be consumed soon after the surgery and heavier liquids if tolerable after the sedatives wear off. Proper hydration plays an important role – if there is drainage during the surgery, fluids will help to restore and preserve moisture in the oral tissues to ensure proper healing.

Hunger may intensify from drinking only fluids and avoiding solid foods for a week or thereabout after getting All-on-4 implant dentures. Also, it is necessary to obtain proper nutrition to stop an infection and promote recovery. It is advisable to choose liquids full of nutrients and consume them regularly throughout the day.

Usually, food intake will be reduced following oral surgery, but patients must remember that proper nutrition is essential for recovery. Below are examples of liquids to try in the first one or two weeks after surgery:

  • Milkshakes
  • Pudding
  • Yogurt
  • Oatmeal or wheat cream
  • Fruit juice
  • Custard
  • Meal replacement shakes

Also, the use of straws for drinking should be avoided. The sucking process can dislodge blood clots, cause bleeding and delaying recovery.

Two weeks to three months after surgery

After the soreness reduces, the patient should start feeling good enough to move from fluids to soft foods. In the weeks and months following All-on-4 surgery, the jaw is still healing and integrating with the implants (osseointegration). To promote this process, patients must watch their meal choices and avoid hard, crunchy or chewy foods. They must stick to foods that need little chewing – mostly foods that can be eaten with spoons. Such foods include fruits and vegetables, bread, pasta and grains, as well as protein foods.

In conclusion

After getting All-on-4 implants, the dentist will recommend food choices. If you have more questions, do not hesitate to contact your dentist for answers.

Request an appointment here: or call Total Care Implant Dentistry at (760) 394-3088 for an appointment in our Palm Desert office.

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